Restaurante Eucalipto
Arepa Boyacense

Originally from Boyacá, an area not far from Bogotá, these arepas are made with a combination of wheat and corn flour, and often get the addition of a soft cheese called cuajada, butter and a touch of raw sugar called panela. These fat little arepas are small and darker than the normal variety, and are set on their own individual spinning plates to cook evenly all around. You’ll usually find these arepas in small restaurants. At Eucalipto, they are filled with white cheese or cheese and bocadillo, a sweet guava paste. After having their turn on the spinning plates, they are quickly grilled to finish. Steaming hot and filled with gooey cheese, these arepas boyacenses are excellent with hot chocolate on a cold Bogotá morning.

Calle 85 #18-19
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Opening times
Fri: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
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