La Florida
This is one of the capital's most famous places for hot chocolate. In Bogotá, this is a hefty snack that comes with bread, cheese, pandebono and hot chocolate. Make sure to drop some chunks of cheese into your cup and spoon out the melting pieces.
Although they have a full menu, La Florida is known as a salón de onces, a Colombian version of a tea room where you can get your afternoon hot drinks and warm breads. But what you can’t get anywhere else it their version of an aromatic, a type of herbal fruit tea. Here it means getting served a long tray with small ramekins filled with maracuyá (passion fruit), agraz (a wild blueberry), strawberry and papayuela, basil and mint. You can mix these fruits as you want in your tea cup, add hot water, wait for a few minutes and then taste your aromatica from Bogota.