Cal Pep
Butifarra de Foie Gras
Some dishes match their venue perfectly and the Foie Gras Sausage at Cal Pep is one of these. Pep’s bar has only 20 highly-coveted seats, so arrive before it opens to avoid having to wait over an hour until someone leaves. Most locals know that everything here is amazing. However, one dish stands head and shoulders above the others - their Foie Gras pork sausage. Served on a bed of white beans, it’s the upmarket version of the traditional Catalan “Butifarra amb Mongetes.” Meaty and robust, the saltiness of the sausage perfectly complements the beans, making you wonder if you should order a second.
Featured in
Plaça de les Olles, 8, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
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Opening times
Wed: 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm, 7:30 - 11:30 pm
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